









1975年由于黄孟文、田流、谢克、范北羚、林北等人的努力与奔走,成功改组协会,并于1976年5月2日举行理事会议,选出新理事会。会长:黄孟文博士;副会长周粲与杜红;秘书:韦西与丁之屏;出版:麦青与宋雅;财政:林北与冷若冰;总务:田流与易梵;图书:尤今与刘维新;翻译:廖裕芳与李廷辉;顾问:柳北岸、李汝琳、苗秀。从这天起,协会正式易名为“新加坡写作人协会”(除去“作家”之名以避免争论,并且得以广收会员),英文名则依然是“Singapore Association of Writers”。













Singapore Association of Writers (新加坡作家协会)

The Singapore Association of Writers (SAW) or 新加坡作家协会 was officially formed on 1 August 1970. It is the longest existing as well as the largest registered Chinese literary association in Singapore, actively promotes creative literature works and research in literature theory, so as to enhance the literary standard of Singapore. It serves as an established network for the writers in Singapore and to provide a platform for unity in accelerating the development of new talents with quality literary works. The Association is consistently interacting with writers, scholars and researchers from other countries, to promote the home-grown literary products (fiction, poetry and prose) with the Southeast Asia characteristic and gained recognition internationally.

With the leadership and effort made by the former presidents, The Association has achieved significant progress and obtained its international standing. With the increasing number of activities and memberships, the Association was allocated to 13B, Smith Street, Singapore, under the Art-Housing programme by the National Arts Council in 1999. For the last nearly 40 years, the Association has organized and participated a series of activities with the main events noted as follows:

1. Publication of “Singapore Chinese Literature” (《新华文学》) - 1978-2018

First publication in 1978, it is one of the oldest Chinese literary magazines in Asia published continuously without interruption, for 40 years. As of 2018, 89 volumes have been published and circulated.

2. Publication of “Mini-Fiction Quarterly” (《微型小说季刊》) - 1992-1998

First publication in 1992, it is the only Chinese Mini-Fiction journal regularly published in Southeast Asia for that period of time. A total of 22 issues were published, it has integrated into the “Singapore Chinese Literature” in 1998.

3. Organised the international conference: “2nd Commonwealth Chinese Literature International Conference - Southeast Asia Chinese Literature”(第2届华文文学大同世界国际会议:东南亚华文文学) - 1988

4. Organised the international conference: “the 1st World Chinese Mini-Fiction Conference”(第2届世界华文微型小说研讨会) - 1994

5. Organised the international conference: “The 2nd World Chinese Writers Conference”(第2届世界华文作家会员代表大会) - 1995

6. Organised the international conference: “Man and Nature: Literature on the Environment”(“人与自然——环境文学”国际研讨会) - 1999

7. Organised the international conference on Chinese Literature in Southeast Asia: “Contemporary Literature and Human Ecology”(2003年东南亚华文文学国际研讨会 – “当代文学与人文生态”) - 2003

8. Organised the international conference: "Children Literature and Chinese Language Learning & Teaching"(国际儿童文学与华语文教学研讨会) - 2004

9. Delegations to visit other countries(文化交流与访问) - 1976–2016

The Association has sent delegations to visit other countries in order to foster cultural exchange and co-operation. For the past 46 years, countries visited include Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, USA, Japan and China.

10. Publication of Chinese writers literary works(出版作家作品专集及选集)

More than 100 volumes of literary books (novel, fiction, mini-fiction, poetry, prose, critics) had published through the Association.

11. Conducting literature Workshop, seminar and competition for the public and young writers(主办文学讲座、训练班与创作比赛)

Numerous workshops, seminars and literary competitions were held to promote the local literature. These activities have led to a better literary-orientated and cultural ecological environment in Singapore.

Despite being a non-profitable organisation with limited project resources, the Singapore Association of Writers has made significant contribution to the development of Chinese-language literature in Singapore. In 2018, the Association won the 2nd Singapore Chinese Cultural Contribution Award presented by the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Our publication, Singapore Chinese Literature, has also been recognised by the literary world both within and outside the nation, as evidenced by the increased attention, research and study made on the publication. The Association has committed to continue its voluntary duty, service and contribution to the country, together with the devoted young generation of writers/leader in the new millennium.


© 2005 Singapore Association of Writers
13B, Smith St, Singapore 058327